It Was You!

In 1957, it’s true

God sent me a miracle

It was YOU!

A beautiful, tiny, baby boy

And you became my pride and joy

There wasn’t anything you didn’t do,

You were a model for the “terrible twos”!

You broke eggs all over my floor

While I dealt with that

You got in my jewelry drawer!

You threw your food, and spilled your drink

I’d clean it up, and put you in the sink.

Then you’d laugh, and giggle with glee

Because again, you put one over on me!

Then it happened---You turned four

To school you went

You walked out my door

Tears flowed from my eyes and heart

You needed to grow,

You had to depart!

You learned your ABC’s

Was a whiz at math

You walked the straight and narrow

And stayed on the right path.

One time you strayed, and once was enough

Because your punishment was pretty rough.

You stole a light bulb from someone’s Xmas tree

You were the only one punished out of three.

A lesson you learned, that’s a fact

You never again attempted that!

In Cub scouting, we worked on a car

It was pathetic, it didn’t go far.

I pitched baseball till my arm was sore

You learned to catch, no easy chore!

Through thick and thin,

No matter what,

Closeness to you, is the joy it brought.

At sixteen, a driver’s license you’d get

With the help of a gentleman I’d just met.

David took you out,

He had nerves of steel!

And let you practice

Behind the wheel.

You aced your test in no time flat

David and I married, imagine that!

You had helped me raise your sisters

You had taken the place of a “Dad”

It was time for you to be free

And you felt both glad,

And a little sad.

As you graduated, my heart swelled with pride

This time, the tears, I didn’t try to hide.

In the course of time

A girl you would meet.

Sheree lived just up the street.

This caused some strife, which I’ll confess

For awhile had our lives a total mess!

Then you and Sheree, started a home of your own

You had three baby boys that are now grown!

Now 0ur Circle of Life is complete

It really has turned out pretty neat

“Go on-line” you said to me

I’ll teach you,

It’s easy as can be.

And now I’ve learned something new!

So, I can stay close to you.

And even though we’re miles away

With IMs we can chat everyday!

That little boy I called my own

Into a caring man you have grown.

In 1957, it’s true

I received a miracle

Dennis, it was YOU!


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Song Playing is: Close to You, By the Carpenters

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Number 1 Father!