My Mom?
Some people may think it's silly
that I am wishing my Mom
a happy Father's Day,
but I don't think it's silly at all.
There was no man in our family
to rely on,
so you took the whole load
on your shoulders.
You handled it all.
Not only did you feed me, clothe me,
and keep a roof over my head,
but you loved me and were there for me --
not just because you had to be,
but because you wanted to be.
You wanted to take part in my life.
I know how hard you had to work
to supply me with all the things you did.
You always put a hot meal on our table,
helped me with my homework,
and still had time to mend
my favorite jeans.
You've been my mother, my father,
my teacher, my confessor,
and most of all, my best friend.
That's why, on this Father's Day,
I'm honoring you, my Mom.
Because to me, you are everything
rolled into one unbelievable woman.