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We're going to the park to play


I'll ride the carousel today,


The majestic horses, black, brown, and white,


Oh, they make such a wonderful sight!

As they go up and down, and round and round,

Their feet flying high above the ground.

Mom will sit in one of the seats
and watch me with a smile so sweet,

As I run from horse to horse,

Trying to pick my favorite, of course!

Finally, I find the one I'm sure will bring

My chance to grab the big brass ring!

And as I ride, the wind whips thru my hair,

And I'll lean forward, with much care,

To grab the brass ring right out of the air!

And if I miss, I'll try again

Cause one of these days I'm sure to win!

Written By 












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Song Playing: Lospagno

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