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To Those Who Fought So Valiantly  


Throughout the course of History,

men have fought wars,

 to gain power, to control others,

for resources needed for survival,

We have fought for religious freedoms,

and just fought wars because 

we were told to by those in 

positions of authority, that had the power 

to ask us to give our lives. And in these 

United States of America

we have fought to protect the 

freedoms and beliefs we as 

men and women have become accustomed 

to in our own 

Declaration of Independence

written and founded by our Forefathers

upon our victory from the  hierarchy

of rule and the colonization of

European Rule. We give this Tribute to

the men, women, and children,

 who have fought been maimed, and died

in these

Battles for Freedom.

Today we honor those that have gone before

Be it during peace or during war
Little white crosses with flags adorn
Tombstones with their names so worn
Although a body now lies there
While its' soul has soared into the air
Joy and comfort to us it brings
to know they rest under Jesus wing.

Thank You from the

Citizens of the U.S. of A.



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