Lora Lee

There was a child, God gave to me

Her name was Lora, yes Lora Lee

When she was a baby, what joy she did bring

more than an emerald or diamond ring,

When she was a toddler, she began to cut up,

She hit her sister with a coffee cup!

When off to school she went with tears,

Valerie was there to take away her fears,

Then she got a brand new Dad,

and that made her extremely glad!

They took to each other, right from the start,

and that brought joy to my motherly heart.

As she grew older, the boys came along,

and Lora was always singing a song.

Of course we had strife,

All parents do,

but thats part of life

I'm telling you.

When Lora at last, into womanhood grew,

She put her life on hold for family, t'is true.

There was illness, and death, and illness again

and finally it all came to and end.      

Lora again went off to school.

A job Lora now needed to pursue.

Nursing was the way she'd go,

That profession is stable,        

Don't you know?

After three long years she got her degree,

and then she bought a house for me!      

I don't know why God chose me,

to be the Mother of Lora Lee?       

She's one in a million, that child of mine,

and for that I thank God Divine.     

He sent me an angel from up above,

also a best friend for me to love.    


Happy Birthday Baby



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