It was summer, hot and dry
That’s when I heard your newborn cry.
It was your way of saying
“Look out world, here I come
Now everybody let’s have some fun!”
And fun it was, right from the start
You found your way into everyone’s heart.
Your disposition so sunny and sweet
Put a smile on your face, for everyone you’d meet.
Always wanting to be the center of attention
You did so many things too numerous to mention!
A neighbor came by, at his wits end
You informed him “You’re wife’s out with her new
My friend came to visit one day
Her make-up was “a little bold”, I’d say.
You came in, and plopped right down
You told her “You look like a clown!”
So many times I turned beet red
Hearing some of the things you said.
You are brutally honest, that’s a fact
I’ve tried to teach you diplomacy and tact.
You’re loving and caring
Sometimes too daring.
You’re headstrong; your heart rules you
And that has caused a mistake or two!
You’ve had rough times, from choices you’ve made
You’ve faced them squarely and not been afraid.
You’ve heard these words many times before
“You’re a survivor, you always bounce back.”
And I give thanks to God for that.
You’ve been the bane of my existence, the joy of my
I could not bear it if we were to part.
You’re my child; you’re my friend
And I’ll be there for you till the very end.