A Childs' Prayer

We all know how impressionable children are, and mine were no different. When they were small, they were afraid of the traditional bed time prayer,

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep,

If I should die before I wake,

I pray the Lord my soul to take,

God Bless Everyone in the Whole wide world,


In their little minds, the line referring to death scared them,


I went to my Grandmother in despair

Because my little ones were afraid of their prayer,

She told me calmly,

Get down on bended knee

and pray this prayer I'd like you to see,


There are four Angels

Around my bed,

Two at the foot,

Two at the head,

Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John,

Bless this bed that I lay on,

Bless my friends and family too,

And keep me ever close to You,



This prayer erased away their fears,

Dried their faces from their tears,

Then I would tuck them in their beds,

With thoughts of Jesus in their heads.


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