Just A Little Chat


Hello, Father, in Heaven above
To know You is to be filled with love,
Love for my friends, that's easy to see
But love for my enemies
Now, how can that be?
They've stolen, lied, and misplaced my trust
But to love them too, You say is a must!
"Love thy enemies as yourself" You say
Father, You'll just have to show me the way.
Forgive, I am able
Forget, I'm not sure
I need Your help to keep my heart pure.
Okay, I'll pray for my enemies too
Although, that's not going to be easy to do!
Well, Father, I guess our little chat is through
There's no "easy out" when conversing with You!
And since You want me to do as You say
I'll open my heart and begin to pray.

Written by


Inspired By

The Lord Jesus Christ



But I say unto you: love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.

Matthew 5:44






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