Some of Life's Tales From The Children's View of Things



Who is She...

It started out years ago I was to young to recall exactly when but it seems like an eternity. I remember going to the State Fair, going to the Doctors, my first basket in a U.B.A. game, at school she was there everywhere I went I saw this face, she was the one who helped me build my Pinewood Derby car for our Cub Scout race we won second place pretty good for an eight year old and some woman. I sang in school choir there she was. Now at forty-two, we are at it again writing and building a website together, trying to instill the honest and loving traits in the lives of just a few but defiantly affecting the lives of so many only the way that this woman could. Seems like all my life this woman appeared at either the most opportune or was it the most inopportune times, which ever it was it was, the right time, because she is Mom. You only get one mom in life and I feel that when God passed out Moms I did pretty good. There is no way He gave anyone else a better Mom than the one I got. Makes me think of the song I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad. So I did.

Love, Dennis   



The lady I need...

You were always there for me, during the happy times and the sad. You taught me to do the little things like tie my shoes and write my name. You taught me to do the big things like say my prayers, love everyone, and how to say goodbye when they're gone. Most of all you taught me to be there for everyone family and stranger alike. That nothing is so bad that it can't be forgiven. To be the best that I can at whatever I do, never quitting or giving up on my self. I thank God everyday for the Mother He gave me, the friend and inspiration you are to me. I only hope that you are with me for many years to come.

Love, Denise Marie


Over the years, we've gone through a lot.  you were always there no matter what time or what the circumstance may be.  I remember learning 500 rummy at the age of 5, and playing for hours on end to keep me occupied during your pregnancy, and it instilled the understanding of winning and losing and being able to accept it.  I remember all the summer evening walks where we walked for blocks and blocks and I would collect pop bottles for a penny a piece.  When they went to 2 cents, I imagined how rich I could get.  This showed me that a penny saved really is a penny earned.

   I remember all the bing-cherries we sold off our front porch so we'd get enough money to buy a major purchase for us but was a trivial item to many others.  But it instilled the value of hard work and working together in me. I remember all the times I would "trap" you in the bath tub so I could pour out my heart to you about whatever crisis I was having at the time-whether it be a drastic teen age thing or a broken heart, this taught me that no matter how trivial the problem it was never trivial for you if it mattered to me.  

   As  I grew into motherhood for myself and was afraid that I wasn't ready you said it all when you told me that if everyone waited till they were ready there'd be no children.  You were always there to help and advise me, even when I sometimes wouldn't listen.  And guess what, you were always right in the end.  This helped me to see that even though I was grown myself I still needed my mother just as much as when I was a little girl.  

When I've made many wrong choices as an adult, you were always there for me and would stand up for me.  You have always told everyone that if I tell you something, you know its the truth because no matter what you ask me I'll never lie to you, "Even if it's not really what you want to hear".  That has given me so much self-esteem, because I know that you'll always believe me.  

  You have given me so much in life, not material but much more valuable, you gave me morals, honesty, and most of all your love. I only wish I could be the person that I was lucky enough to have for a Mom. 

Sweet Love Always,  








That Special Person...

 I want to talk to you about someone special in my life, she always been there for me -- even when I thought I need no one. She's been there though the ups and downs, to share my joys, my accomplishments, my dilemmas, and my pains. I'm proud of your accomplishments because I know you have to gone through a lot in your life. We've had good times that brought our family together with laughter and love, like this whole family playing hangman on the chalkboard, or having butter popcorn waiting for me when I got home from school. Sitting on the front porch with all our friends while you read "Do baby bears sit in chairs, comb their hairs, wear underwear ? " Watching you for hours sewing babies cloths for my dolls, or helping you pack food for the less fortunate. The things didn't cost money but these are the things that made each one of who we are today, Caring, thoughtful, loyal, honest, and compassionate. I learned many lessons from you, too many to mention and I'm not going to go through all that we have been through together because anyone that knows us knows we have always been there for each other and we always will be Mom and I hope everyone can see this lesson I've learned from you through my life's actions. Your not only my Mom you are my best friend I. Love you and I'm proud of you, because you have had many hard times and you have always came out on top.

Love, Lora    




This saga goes for some sixty plus years, in the time span of my life I've had foster parents, gotten two college degrees in my daughters name of course, been President of children's and grandchildren's P.T.A.'s, played parent to half the kids in the neighborhoods we have lived in. Taught Sunday and Bible School and generally just been there when needed I was raised in a time when life was easy and not so easy, but with the help and wisdom of my Mother Mabel J. Herzog, and grandparents like Grandma Huffman, Roman, and Louis, I was founded in the Word of God and in a good strong family background where we had to work together and help one another. I passed this on to my children in hopes that they will or have at one time made the sacrifices to make a difference in the lives they reach out to and touch, their children are raised in the same manner that they know to be true and good. My family was always supportive as I supported them during bouts with life, sickness, and health, till death do we part Family.

Madelon E. Barry    

(A.K.A. Ramblnmom)    

A truth as seen through the eyes of Dennis  




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